Real 3D prototype by MultiFaber

The first distributed vendors network to prototype mechanical
parts, and machining small batches quickly and easily

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Real 3D prototype by MultiFaber

Real 3D prototype and small batches mechanical parts

Add value to your business and reduce your Time To Market !

Rapid delivery

Reduce delay and time to market. Stop managing vendors or getting quotes.


Our delivery date are covered by a written guarantee.

Get the fastest turnaround

We’ve streamlined the ordering process to help you focus on new opportunities

Our Focus

A really fast and cost-effective way for custom manufactured real 3D prototype to low-volume production mechanical parts

We streamline the process and cut all the non value-added operations such as locating a machine shop, dealing with multiple emails or faxes to transmit drawings, discussing the design, sifting through price quotations, and eventually getting your part – often paying much more than necessary while adding weeks of delay! Now you create custom metal and plastic parts quickly and easily, with just one click: stop managing vendors and let us do the work for you.

How ?

We have the Power of a distributed network of suppliers where the idle resources, capabilities and skills compete to offer a innovative web service

A distribuited network of medium size vendors for custom machined parts, used to work for small batches with great expertise and technology. They produce custom real 3D prototype in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. Meeting the needs of our customers, our vendors are well-equipped with top-of-the line CNC turning and milling machinery capable of holding high-precision tolerances.


Contact us for any information may you have

Contact us for any information you may have

What can we help you with?

Multifaber wants to hear from you !

Via Vecchia Ferriera, 22 – 36100 Vicenza – ITALY
tel. +39 (0)444-1496825 – fax +39 178-2736647
